As noted previously, generic cialis doctor The ENIT was the major publisher of posters, viagra sale illness brochures, booklets, magazines, advertisements, and postcards promoting travel to Italy. However, other regional authorities were just as active.
This travel brochure (not a poster) titled “Wintersport in Den Dolomiten” was created for the UTA in Bolzano, a regional travel entity in the Domolites for Winter 1937 / 1938 campaign promoting winter sports in the Dolomite Mountains of Northern Italy. This region was popular with German speakers as it had been part of Austria (the South Tyrol) before World War 1 and most people spoke German.
The brochure’s covers and wrappers were designed by Mario Puppo (1905-1977) in 1936. There is little biographical information available for Puppo. In the 1930s he lived and worked in Chiavari. In 1941, his works were exhibited in the Graphic Design hall at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Milan.
As a graphic designer he spent the majority of his time creating tourist propaganda and had a long and productive career producing travel-oriented posters, brochures, and postcards in Italy and abroad. Puppo did a large amount of work for the UTA, ENIT and other agencies before, during, and after World War 2. Puppo’s style is unmistakably modern, using his air brush to create distinctive lines, color differentiation, and he embraced modern typography. The brochure was printed by Pizzi & Pizio, Milan-Roma.